Sunday, April 28, 2013


Macheteadas are like a fried pancake.  Another breakfast item, it goes well with coffee or milk.  My mom doesn't make these very often, but when she does, its always a special treat.  Hope you enjoy! 
Special thanks to my sister-in-law, Priscillia, for helping my mom with the format of the recipe and the picture taking :)

Ingredients: Makes approximately 16 
vegetable oil for frying
3 1/3 cup of all purpose flour
1 egg
1 tablespoon of baking powder
1/2 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of milk

Mix all the ingredients by hand in a medium size bowl. Knead the dough on a floured work space until dough is smooth.  
 Divide the dough into sixteen round balls.  Stretch each ball into a flat circle and with a knife make two 2 inch vertical cuts in the middle.  Make sure the oil is hot before placing one to fry.  With the helping of a fork, fry them until golden brown on both sides.  

Place on top of paper towels to drain off excess grease.


Para aproximadamente 16 macheteadas!
- 1 libra de harina
- 1 huevo
- 1 cdta de polvo de hornear
- 1/2 taza de azúcar
- 1/2 taza de leche

Batir todos los ingredientes con la mano hasta obtener la consistencia deseada, amasar hasta que quede suave y de ahi hacer 16 rollitos, luego estirarlas cada una y hacerle con un cuchillo 2 cortes en medio! Luego asegurarse que el aceite este bien caliente y proceder a freir cada una ayudándose
con un tenedor hasta que queden doradas, y por última colocarlas sobre una toalla absorbente para quitar el exceso de aceite!

1 comment:

  1. So happy to find this recipe here. I love macheteadas but I have never tried making them. I Will definitely be making some.
